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Isabel Medina

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Isabel MedinaIsabel serves on our Community Partnership Team. 

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Isabel shares:

We serve a good, gracious God who is in the business of welcoming the goofiest messes into stories of hope. My life is certainly a picture of how God uses us in the midst of the question marks and fumbling.

I first experienced life in another part of the world when I traveled to Ethiopia in elementary school. For a girl whose previous concerns were building lego sets with her sister and memorizing multiplication facts, a trip to Africa sure rocked my 10-year-old world. My little mind could not quite comprehend everything I encountered, but it sure did shift my perspective. All throughout my life, my family continued to teach me what loving our neighbor really means – even when it looks messy.

As I have grown in friendship with Jesus, I’ve come to recognize the wonderful connection of love and justice within God’s kingdom! Through every aspect of serving, I keep God’s vision of wholeness close to my heart. 

I continued to seek avenues where I could engage in globally-focused service, through my vocation and everyday activities from home. 

In my second year at college, I received the opportunity to spend a semester studying in Uganda. After living in the community for 4 months and working at a locally-run organization, I got to experience what community empowerment looks like in the field!

When I returned home, God opened up the door for me to join the team at Lifeline Christian Mission. I’m beyond grateful to serve alongside my brothers and sisters in Christ to further the kingdom of God through holistic ministry. Thank you for your continued support of the AMAZING work that God is doing around the world!!

Isabel Medina