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Kara Williams

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AJ SatterfieldKara serves on our Executive Team.

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Kara shares:

I grew up in the South. I grew up in the church: my grandfather was a preacher, and my father is a deacon. We are an athletic family – we like track, tennis, among many other sports. 

For my undergraduate degree, I went to Colorado Christian University on a tennis scholarship. There, I fell in love with discipleship and was in a formal program for three years. I also went on my first mission trip to Poland with CCU. I fell in love with the Polish people and loved working in a cross-cultural setting. The year after graduation, I lived in Australia doing mission work with a team of internationals. I then came back to Colorado, coached tennis, mentored young men and women, and finished my Master’s in Leadership from Denver Seminary.

I am excited to work for Lifeline because it is multifaceted; I love that Lifeline does not simply engage in the world in one way. I love that I can assist in being creative with Lifeline with our engagement in the world – whether that be with the local church, local schools, missions, leadership development, or business. I am excited to be a part of Lifeline and ultimately build God’s kingdom.

I enjoy traveling to explore new places, meet new people, and learn about other cultures. I enjoy playing tennis or pickleball most; although, I will gladly play other sports for fun with friends. In general, I am a curious person and love to read. I enjoy studying theology, amongst other subjects. My first book will be published in August 2022.