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Kesaia Cojon

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Emily WongKesaia serves on our Community Partnership Team. 

You keep ministry momentum moving when you support the ministry of our stateside missionaries: our Lifeline staff who dedicate their lives 24/7 to restoring hope around the world. Your prayers and donations enable our staff to be your hands and feet, as God's love is shared through Lifeline's ministry communities!

Kesaia shares:

My family has been involved with Lifeline for many years! My parents are the directors of the Lifeline Children’s Home in Honduras, where I grew up. My parents have been my biggest inspiration to pursue a life on mission for God. 

I started to serve in the ministry as a volunteer interpreter. Soon after, God opened doors to work for Lifeline full-time to help with sponsorship and mission teams in the field. 

I have enjoyed everything to which God has led me. He continues to amaze me by showing me that He can use us in more ways we can imagine when we are willing to let Him change and use us. I have sometimes faced difficulties during these times of change and growth, but I have seen He has been by my side as He promised.

My husband and I love church ministry and missions. After serving in a church as co-pastors in Omoa, Honduras, we had the opportunity to move to Texas in early 2022. I have the amazing privilege of being able to continue serving with Lifeline.

We have been married for two years. Some of the things we enjoy are meeting people and hearing their stories, photography, backpacking, coffee, and trying new foods. 

Thank you for being willing to stand up for God’s calling! Your life impacts many others beyond what you can imagine!