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Nathan Zimmerman

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Nate ZimmermanNathan serves on our Centre Mobilization Team.

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Nathan shares:

For almost 20 years, I have been in full-time ministry. I love the local church and seeing her thrive, and I love all the wonderful organizations that are committed to helping serve the great commission together. For me, this all began in high school, led me to Kentucky Christian University and then into ministry. I’ve been a student minister, church planter and teaching pastor. And now I’m excited to be the Lexington Centre Director with Lifeline. 

What stood out to me about the opportunity to be part of Lifeline was that they were working in so many of the places that are already close to my heart. They work with people in Eastern Kentucky, where I went to college. I’ve spent months in Honduras working with missions there. And now this Centre in Lexington, which is where I did ministry for so many years and where we have so many friends and family. 

What a wonderful opportunity to be useful to the church and to the very kind of people Jesus sought out. 

Someone once said that the most important tool in a tool box isn’t the most expensive, the newest or the shiniest. It’s the one that gets used the most. My great goal in life is to be useful to Jesus and to His Kingdom. 

Sara and I have been married since 2006, and she is just the greatest, an absolute darling. She’s my whole world. Together we have three boys: Cole, Hudson and Max who are wild in the best kind of ways. You’ll often find us at a ball field, at a basketball hoop or trying some new adventure. 

Sara and I can often be found hovering over a good cup of coffee and a pastry. And cheering for our teams. She’s a Wildcat, I’m a Wolverine. Winningest basketball & winningest football teams of all time. We both say “Go [Big] Blue.” We’re a pretty great match.