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Lifeline in Tegucigalpa

Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, is very modern and developed, but still has pockets of poverty and working class neighborhoods throughout. Lifeline was asked to assume oversight of an existing ministry, which included a church and a partially completed facility. 

This transition stretched us in many ways, but it has laid the foundation for an expanded vision that includes the entire city of Tegucigalpa and beyond. In 2019, a new, bilingual (English/Spanish) school opened in the facility. And discipled leaders from the church now minister in nearby communities every week, launching new churches and community development initiatives. 

As the school increases its enrollment and gains its footing financially, funding from the school will fuel other ministries, and Tegucigalpa will become a second base camp in Honduras with a sending center that is multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches throughout that region.


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