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Six ways you can join the fight against hunger 
Explore six creative and fun family-friendly ways to join the fight against hunger and help save the day!
Feed vulnerable families around the world!
Did you know an estimated 14 million children under the age of five suffer from severe acute malnutrition? You can change that stat! Be a superhero to kids with your generous donation! A simple meal creates endless possibilities for their future. $1 provides 4 meals! 

$25 = 100 meals! 
$100 = 400 meals! 
$250 = 1000 meals!
$1000 = 4000 meals!

A simple meal creates endless possibilities for their future!

Donate now!

Fight against hunger by selling your stuff and donating the money you collect!

Got items that are cluttering your house? Sell them and donate the proceeds towards meals for the hungry! Here are some ideas to get started:

  • Garage sale
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • or any other creative online or in person avenue

When you sell it, let others know where the money will be going toward! And then make your donation to!

Enjoy a nutritious, Lifeline rice & bean meal for your dinner!

These are the same meals that Lifeline distributes around the world in our schools, clinics, and to our ministry partners. These meals are also shared locally in the US/Canada with churches and food pantries.

Get started today!

  1. Complete this form to request a rice & bean meal today! You can request multiple packages based on the size of your family/group. 1 package serves up to 6 people.
  2. We’ll mail* you a shelf-stable meal that you can prepare and serve for your family/group!
  3. Simply follow the instructions on the back of the package. The only ingredient to add is water!

Optional add on: check out these conversation starters to discuss during your meal!

Our prayer is that this meal and the conversations around your table will bring awareness to hunger, both in your community and around the world! Our simple request: donate to Lifeline what you would have spent on dinner. Your donation provides meals to families and children struggling with hunger, both locally and globally. Donate today at!

*Please note that we can only mail the rice & bean meal to locations within the US and Canada.

Just one quarter provides a meal for a child! 

Your kids can get busy with simple projects to earn quarters and feed children around the world! Ideas include:

  • extra chores around the house
  • pulling a neighbor’s weeds
  • mowing a neighbor's lawn

Another great idea is to have your kids do a lemonade stand! They can make a sign letting people know that the funds will go toward feeding children in need around the world! 

Parents can help kids donate the change they collect at!

Set aside a meal, half day, or full day to fast and pray for the hungry.

While you spend intentional time fasting and praying for the hungry, both in your community and around the world, meditate on scriptures... 

  • Praise God - Psalm 103
  • Lift up the needs of the hungry - Isaiah 58:6-7
  • Ask God how you can be Good News to those who are hungry - Matthew 25:31-46

Have conversations about hunger around the dinner table.

While your family gathers around the dinner table, here are some questions that might lead to important conversations about hunger! Through these conversation starters, you can talk through BIG ideas and even brainstorm how your family can show God's love to people locally in your community and around the world!

  • Why is it important for kids to have nutritious and healthy meals?
  • Can you think of a time when you missed a meal, or got super hungry? How did it feel?
  • Why do you think it would be hard to have a hungry belly all day?
  • How do you think a child’s day might change when they go from having a hungry belly to a full belly?
  • Do you think there are people or friends in your school, church, or neighborhood who do not have enough food for the day?
  • How can you and your family help people in your school, church, or neighborhood who don't have enough food?
  • How can you help people around the world who don't have enough food?

When you have these conversations as a family, you’re beginning to fight against hunger! The fight against hunger may seem big and daunting, yet it is something that anyone can help with … including you … right now … right where you are!

Each day, kids around the world suffer from malnutrition and go to bed with hungry bellies. This is why it is important for us to be responsible with what God has given us, like not wasting food and thanking God in prayer for how he provides for us. 

As a family, take time to pray together: give thanks for the blessings you have and ask God to work through you to help others.