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Beautiful Feet Bringing the Good News

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:15). Preaching the Word of God is one of the important aspects of a thriving church. Lifeline church leaders in Honduras know how important it is to go, look for, and preach to those who don't know Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.  

Pastor Antonio Elvir, of Tegucigalpa Christian Church in Honduras, is committed to share the Word of God with those who need Jesus in their lives. Here is his testimony:

Pastor Antonio Elvir (center, blue shirt)

I was baptized 14 years ago. I came to the Lord when I was 33 years old. 
I have had many difficulties in my life: problems in my home, my kids' behavior, etc. But, God has blessed me in many ways: a job of more than 25 years, a house, my family, and good relationships with many people. 

I have been serving in church leadership for more than 10 years, including 1 year as an evangelist in another Lifeline church, Los Diamantes Christian Church, alongside Pastor Antonio Orellana.

My wife, brothers, and sisters go with me to share the word of God with others. We visit door-to-door, asking people if we can share some Scripture with them. We also preach the Word of God in various homes and in a community center in La Paz (a village located 3 hours from the Honduran capital, Tegucigalpa).

In these places where God has taken us, there are a lot of problems, such as domestic violence. At the beginning, people did not readily accept or trust us. But as they got to know us, they began to listen. Depending on the town that we visit, there may be 15-30 people who welcome us into their homes regularly now. 

Sometimes we think we don't have the resources to go to these places, but God always provides. He wants us to go out to preach even in difficult places. Two of my favorite Bible verses are “Show mercy towards those who have doubts” (Jude 1:22) and “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). 

For me evangelism has great importance – to save people. Estefany, one of the newest Lifeline Bible Institute students, surprised me when she told me that the light of God came to her life the moment we preached to her. I am also encouraged by cousins Angel and Alex who were both baptized last year. 

Please pray for:

  • Wisdom to learn more about the gospel.
  • Patience and gratitude for people we meet.
  • Financial resources for and joy in what we do.  
Pastor Antonio Elvir's ministry work is financially supported by donors like YOU. If you would like to participate by funding church ministry work, you can do so HERE. Thank you!