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Celebrating our Grads!

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Youth Communications Coordinator

On December 3, 2022, 15 students graduated from Ocotillo Christian School! These students are excited to begin their futures as adults and are grateful to God and their parents for getting them to this point in their lives.

Two valedictorians addressed their classmates and parents with some reflections about their time as students.

After telling his classmates how proud he is of them, Junior said...
Today is a special day for us! We think back on the 12 years of effort, dedication, laughter, courage; of travelling together, of gaining self-knowledge, of discovering our vocations and the things we like.

These experiences will remind us who we are and everything we are a part of. Our teachers will agree with us: we are a special generation. It seems like our first day in this school was just yesterday: our first "Hello, how are you?" "What is your name?" Our first group project, our first test, our first presentation. We were ready for the challenges then and were unafraid. We will never forget the life lessons our teachers taught us.

And Ailin told her classmates and the audience...
I thank God because today, we close this chapter of our lives. At times it seemed endless and unreachable, but today we can see the fruits of our efforts. We encountered difficulties and obstacles along the way, but we overcame them. I thank Ocotillo Christian School for opening its doors to us and allowing us to study here. I think my parents and the other adults here who helped us to be here today. You were with us when we thought we'd been defeated, yet today, you are sharing this happy moment with us!

Please pray for these students as they explore the next chapter in their lives. May they continue to know and serve God in all that they do!

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