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Five Daughters and the Power of Christian Education

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, teacher and Honduras Together Manager

In the classrooms at Ocotillo Christian School, our students have found love, understanding, and above all, a future! This school in Honduras is a blessing for the Ocotillo community. 

Don and his daughters

One family has sent their 5 girls all to this school! 

Their father, Don, is a pastor of a church in a neighboring community. Don said, "My wife and I decided to have our girls in Lifeline school because I knew this school was one of the best. Students are taught with discipline and Christian values. We had been concerned that it was too far away from home, but we think it is a good, Christian school and it's worth it!"

Let’s meet his 5 daughters!

Kelia and Sulmy, with teachers Mercy (left) and Lucrecio (right)

Sulmy (11th grade) said, “I love the school’s trees and flowers. My favorite subject is English. The teacher has helped me to develop my knowledge in English. Now I can introduce myself and have a short conversation. I love the positive attitude and the ways the teachers Mercy and Lucrecio make us feel. They are very good teachers. I would like to study psychology in the university.” 

Kelia (10th grade) said, “I like that my school is always clean, and it is spacious. My favorite subject is psychology because there I can learn about self-esteem. My favorite teacher is Lucrecio because he is always positive and is very funny when teaching Spanish. I would like to study nursing because I want to help people.” 

Marina with her science teacher, Diana

Marina (7th grade) said, “My favorite subjects are Spanish, natural sciences, and technology. My favorite teacher is Otoniel who teaches technology class. He explains very well and it is easy to understand him. When someone doesn’t understand something, he explains again. He is very kind. I would like to be flight attendant and travel around the world when I grow up.”  

Cristely (5th grade) said, “I like my school because the classrooms are big and open. My favorite class is math because my teacher is calm. My favorite teacher is Fernando who teaches Spanish class; he teaches us to be responsible and respectful with others. I would like to be a teacher because I like how my teachers do their work.”

Jorlenis (4th grade) said, “I love the trees in my school. My favorite classes are English and math. I want to learn English so I can travel around the world. My favorite teacher is my English teacher, Ebelina, because she teaches us well and is very kind. I would like to be a doctor, so I can help people to feel better.” 

Their father agrees with them, saying “Teachers at Lifeline school are very good teachers and are very respectful. My daughters are really happy because they are learning a lot. My daughters had grown up spiritually thanks to the Bible teaching at school. They are learning to follow God's will. God's way is not easy, but we believe in God and are rich in faith.”

Please pray for this beautiful family, for these girls to grow up in faith and continue being an example to other teenagers of how to honor their parents.

The parents ask for prayers for their oldest daughter, Emelda (19) who has been suffering from depression and is in treatment. They pray she can return to school soon; she should be in 11th grade. 

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