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Fueling Small Businesses... and Impacting Families & Communities!

Leany, Elsa, Hernán, and Lourdes all own small businesses in Honduras. Successful as they were with their small businesses, they wanted to do more. Getting the capital to improve and expand their businesses always seemed just out of reach.

Selected by our Honduran leaders, Leany, Elsa, Hernán, and Lourdes attended a small business seminar. There, they learned godly business practices. They also applied for and received a microloan through Lifeline’s Economic Empowerment fund. The Honduran leadership then prayed over them, gave them their loan checks, and celebrated with them! It was an exciting event, full of joy and gratitude for God’s goodness.

Now the fun of building out their businesses can begin!

  • Leany runs a small tortillería; she desires to improve her facility to increase production.
  • Elsa has a hair salon; her loan will allow her to remodel and buy a shampoo chair and supplies.
  • Hernán runs a small restaurant, making baleadas and other local foods; he plans to improve his facility and buy a new stove.
  • Lourdes is a graduate of our girls’ home in Omoa. She helps with the small restaurant associated with that home. During the pandemic, Lourdes helped deliver food orders by bicycle; her loan will allow an expansion of that service.

Each of these business owners will receive ongoing mentoring and training, to ensure success so that the microloans can be repaid.

We love these stories of lives being impacted by microloans. More entrepreneurs in Honduras are hopeful of someday having the funds to improve their businesses. Want to be a part of their story?

Donate to the microloan fund today at

Learn more about Economic Empowerment at