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"God Used a Kid like Me!"

Written by Adele's mother, Jaclyn Miles

When my daughter Adele began to think about her 11th birthday, she began to think about what kind of party she wanted to have. Maybe a slumber party with games, movies, popcorn, and little sleep! Maybe a party at the ice skating rink! 

But Adele couldn't stop thinking about a friend’s party at which they had packed meals at Lifeline Louisville Centre. 

Adele loved the idea of helping people in need while still celebrating her birthday! I, on the other hand, wasn't so sure. I wondered about fundraising for a birthday. Would Adele be up for the challenge?

But Adele persisted. "I begged to host a Lifeline meal pack for my 11th birthday," Adele said. 

Before we sent out the fundraising link to her friends, I talked to Keri Owens (Director, Lifeline Louisville Centre), telling her how worried I was about raising money for the pack.

I’ll never forget how Keri smiled and said, "You might be surprised at what the Lord does."

She was so right! The Lord provided abundantly and the faith of a child humbled me. It was something I will never forget!

I was blown away by the funds that were raised and the meals that were packed for Adele‘s birthday! I never dreamed that she would raise the money that she did, with such ease.

When Adele’s friends arrived at the Louisville Centre, the fun began! Hair nets went on, fun music was played, and awesome memories were made! Adele and her friends learned about world hunger and what Lifeline does to bring meals to those who need them most. 

In just an hour’s time, Adele and her friends packed 10 boxes, which makes 2,300 meals! 

Watching Adele and her friends gather around the boxes of meals and pray over them was so sweet. I may have choked back a few tears!

The party was super fun. I got to hang out with my friends and pack meals. It doesn't get much better than that! How cool is it that we have a place like Lifeline to have a party and pack meals for the hungry. The Lord is so faithful. It is crazy that He could use a kid like me to build the Kingdom.
~ Adele, 11

And to anyone considering this idea, Adele says, "If the Lord has put this on your heart, you should totally do it! It is a blast and it makes a big difference in the lives of others."

Get started with planning a special event like Adele's at the Lifeline Centre near you!