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Helping Earthquake Victims

Haiti Earthquake Update

Since the 7.2 earthquake in Haiti on August 14, we have been humbled by your outpouring of generosity to the Disaster Relief Fund

Your gifts are already helping hundreds of people.
Your gifts are empowering local staff to bring local solutions to the crisis.

Lifeline Haitian staff have been tirelessly working to assess needs and structure a plan for their emergency response. 

They are leading with prayer, compassion, and unity under very stressful circumstances. The earthquake zone is not easy to reach, yet they are determined to help their fellow brothers and sisters in this time of great need. 

In the past 2 weeks, a lot has been accomplished:

Haitian staff have:

    • made 3 visits to the earthquake zone for needs assessments,
    • identified 5 communities where they will focus their efforts,
    • made 3 deliveries of food, water, and personal hygiene items, and
    • begun to organize Lifeline medical staff for mobile medical clinics in the impacted communities.
        Local Lifeline church members have:
    • purchased provisions with their own money to help their communities.

Lifeline USA/Canada has:

    • shipped 500,000 meals to Haiti
    • networked with other organizations to assist with response
    • worked to secure grants for relief efforts
    • organized churches to supply meals and hygiene kits, and
    • prepared an additional shipment of food, water filters, and tarps for this weekend.

Your gifts made this rapid response possible. Your gifts are making a difference!

How can you continue to help?

Continue to pray!

    • for safety and endurance of our national staff leading the way in relief efforts,
    • for the 5 communities that are the focus of these efforts,
    • for wisdom in formulating Phase 2 of the recovery efforts, which will include coming alongside earthquake victims who need shelter or home repair.

Give! Your gift will...

    • provide temporary shelter and other emergency relief items.
    • fuel all 3 phases of work: relief, recovery, and development.