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How I Met Christ

As told to Raynald M., Translator

It fills my heart with joy to share my testimony with you! I want to tell you how I met my Savior Jesus Christ. 

My name is Thérèse. People in my community call me Mrs. Ynopha. 

I was not born into a Christian family and that led me to live a life of sin. When I found a man who I considered my partner, we decided to live together. We had children but didn’t have the means to take care of them. 

One day I met a group of missionaries who were preaching the gospel in my neighborhood. Among them were Gretchen & Bob DeVoe (founders of Lifeline) and their daughter Reneé, as well as many Haitians. I was curious about what they were preaching, so I decided to find out more about who they were talking about. They invited me to the new church which they had just built, and that was how I started learning about God. 

Reneé DeVoe visited me often to share with me the Word of God. It strengthened my faith. I became a believer in Christ!

That decision to receive Christ into my life changed my life! I found joy and a reason to live for God. I asked my partner to marry me, which I knew pleased God. I was the first in my family to become a Christian. My mother followed in my footsteps! I also brought the good news to my siblings and many gave their lives to Christ. 

God continued to bless me with a job with Lifeline in 1981. God also kept the DeVoe family in my life; they were my mentors and continued to guide me in the right path. Because of my job with Lifeline, I was able to educate my children at the Lifeline school there, which helped them become good citizens for their country. Some of my children also worked for Lifeline and were able to participate in God's blessing in Haiti through this great mission.

I am retired now, but that does not stop me from continuing to share God's love with His people. 

May God continue to bless Lifeline for all they have done in different countries around the world through God's love, and may His blessing continue to dwell in the lives of those who support this ministry.

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