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"I am a Better Parent Now"

As many parents know, parenting is not easy, especially in today’s society. For some parents, parenting choices are influenced by one’s own parents. Changing patterns in favor of healthier ones can be tough. Sometimes even recognizing that there are better ways to parent a child is not easy.

For these reasons, the Honduran government's Secretary of Education requires that every school, public and private, hold monthly workshops about healthy parenting. The goal is for families to develop stronger, healthier family relationships.

At Lifeline’s Ocotillo Christian School, this program is called Parent School. 

Lifeline pastors, psychologists, doctors, and teachers develop and lead the monthly workshops.
They teach parenting skills from a Christian perspective. The parents know that the end goal is successful families.

"Sometimes we as parents mistreat our children," said one parent. "These meetings really help us. They talk about the word of God, and they give good advice like how to treat our kids. They explain techniques to help our children's education. I know I am a better parent now."

Another parent said, "I have learned how to help my daughter with her homework, what to do when she is sick, how to guide her in how to dress, and how to demonstrate patience with her."

"Parent School has helped me to give good advice to my son. Now he is more obedient, and he does his homework," said the mother of an 11th grader.

"I have learned many things that I did not know. I have learned to guide my son. Every time I come, I learn something new!" commented another parent.

Parents are required to attend a minimum of ten workshops annually. At the end of each workshop, attendance is taken, and parents get a stamp on their attendance card stamped. 

Those who are absent must present an excuse to the school principal. Those without a valid excuse must provide volunteer service hours to the school (cleaning, planting, or gardening, for example) or must donate cleaning supplies to the school if they don’t have time to volunteer.

Our school principals believe in the importance of these workshops. At Lifeline's school in Ocotillo, Principal Karen reflected, "I am happy with Parent School. It provides a lot of opportunities, like spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching about the learning process. The workshops help parents to understand their role."

Parent School is helping our students’ families AND helping students in the classroom! When parents understand how to positively invest in their children’s education and emotional health, the students are more engaged in their own learning.

Investing holistically in our students is central to our schools' philosophy. Development of the whole child -- academically, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually -- means that parents and the schools work in tandem. In doing so, our students can reach their full potential. 

Our schools depend on partners like you who believe in elevating kids so that they can thrive.
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