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"I Want To Be a Pastor... and a Veterinarian!"

Written by Dany Zaldana, El Salvador Country Co-Director

ChristianThree-year-old Christian and his parents live in El Salvador and are struggling. Excessive rain has destroyed their crops. The family income has been unstable, and their financial situation is precarious. The family is longing to find a way to move forward.

Their pastor, Pastor Alejandro, says that little Christian loves Jesus with all his heart. Thanks to a Lifeline monthly stipend to the church, the youth ministry there is flourishing. Christian loves participating in the children’s ministry. He is there every single Sunday showing his love for God. Despite his shyness, he praises God and plays with the other children.

He told his pastor, Pastor Alejandro, “I want to be a pastor in this church…. and also a veterinarian.” This is his dream! We know that with God, dreams can come true.

Help us pray for this family, especially for Christian who dreams in a big way. With the help of God, he will achieve it!