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In the Middle of the World

Written by Darwyn Sanchez, Latin American Regional Director

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Quito, Ecuador, with my favorite travel companion, my wife Ana. This is the third time God has allowed me to visit Ecuador with Lifeline. 

On each visit, God has revealed His will for local Lifeline ministry. For a long time, our prayers were focused on the area of La Comuna where Lifeline had a school. During that time, God was preparing us for something else… ministry in a different community called Gualo, in Llano Chico.

I can see now that this is not a new beginning, but rather God is showing us that He is leading us to something greater. 

Lifeline's Ecuadorian leaders (Claudia, Katty, and Nelly) are deeply committed to impacting this new ministry location.

Through prayer, they believe that this will happen through a holistic approach that meets spiritual, physical and local needs. But it all starts with prayer and a heavy dependence on God’s leading. 

Claudia, Katy and Nelly lean on God for wisdom and direction! Here, they are on a prayer walk through the streets of Gualo.

As ministry concepts gain clarity, Claudia, Katy and Nelly are focusing their efforts on Gospel Foundation study groups, prayer walks through the Gualo community, and periodic meetings with community leaders from Llano Chico. 

A holistic and collaborative approach:

The community leaders of Llano Chico told me that their dream is to transform their communities, to stop all forms of violence (especially violence against women), and to empower victims of violence for their futures by providing them with vocational training. Claudia, Katy and Nelly will soon begin developing this training with the input of local community leaders. 

This training will eventually take place on Lifeline’s property in Gualo, but even more is in the works! They envision this property offering other impactful and transformative programs and being a place for meetings and for peace.

Projects they dream of developing include a cafeteria, a marketplace for entrepreneurs, a refuge center for women, a health center, and a residence space for missions. These big dreams will bring development and hope to each resident of Gualo.

On Lifeline's property in Gualo, Ecuador, we are excited to see God's will come to fruition!

Gospel Foundations Bible study groups:

Jesus calls on us to live out the complete gospel, which is that we are called to not only proclaim the gospel but also to demonstrate the gospel with our actions and lives. So, at the core of Lifeline's ministry in Ecuador is a Bible study called “Gospel Foundations.”

I have completed this study as have all local Lifeline staff. The next step is to invite interested community leaders in Ecuador to participate in this study too. What people learn is that the kingdom of God is here now, through believers living lives committed to the gospel.


Another exciting thing I witnessed is discipleship under the model “Bless, Eat, Pray.” What this means is that God has called us to not just believe in Him but to be disciples. Through this model of discipleship, we are to: 

  • Bless: be the Good News in the community
  • Eat: sit down regularly to intentionally disciple someone
  • Pray: pray for God’s kingdom to be seen and experienced, pray for others, pray for God’s will to be done

This rhythm of discipleship has taken root and is already leading to rich conversations and intentional relationships.

God is doing great things through Lifeline’s ministry in Ecuador.

It is still in development, but I invite you to be part of the story that God is writing in the Gualo area or give a donation to support the ministry work that Claudia, Nelly and Katy are leading.

With your support and prayer, the kingdom of God will continue to be proclaimed and demonstrated.