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Investing in the Next Generation of Church Leaders

Written by Deybee Berrios, Guatemala Country Director

Youth are so important in the church! They are the ones who help, inspire, and bring others to the church. And so, we believe in the importance of investing in, discipling, and mentoring them. They will be our future leaders.

Our youth meet monthly. At the meetings, I and other church leaders have been training them to take on more roles in the church. We are very excited because they have accepted the challenge! And so, at the monthly meetings, they are learning skills to lead the meetings, the praise & worship time, and the Bible discussions themselves. 

Most of them are already studying in the church’s discipleship program. They are eager to learn to better serve the Lord.

We know that at times some will be tested or be unsure of themselves, but we are committed to supporting and encouraging them in every way that we can.

We know that God will do great things through this beautiful group of young people. 

We ask for your prayers so that the Lord will continue to instruct them and give us the wisdom to guide them.

Learn more about our ministry work in Guatemala HERE.