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Jesus' Act of Love

Written by Ebelina Arteaga, Honduras Together Manager

student with craftAn act of love: That's what Jesus Christ did when He went to the cross for us! 

During Holy Week, our students at Ocotillo Christian School in Honduras celebrated His resurrection and learned about His immense love for us. Through activities all week, teachers reminded and taught the students that Jesus Christ gave Himself in obedience to the Father and out of His abundant love for humanity. 

boy with craftThe students absorbed this message more deeply each day through crafts, Bible lessons, worship services, and more. Hearing the story of Jesus' life at a museum called "A Love Story Through Time" and watching a reenactment of Jesus going to the cross, the students' faith and understanding grew. Some students were brought to tears when they heard about His sacrifice on the cross for them.

What an "act of love" He did for us! As teachers, we want our students to know that only Jesus was capable of giving His life for our sins. Thanks to Jesus Christ, today we have the privilege of having eternal life if we ask Him into our life!

students gathered for Holy Week
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