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Kike: Following God’s Call

Kike at Rubik's Cube competitionIn his native El Salvador, José Enrique (known as "Kike") was a youth leader and pastor at Lifeline’s church there which was founded by Pastor José Rodriguez.

When Pastor José asked Kike (26) to help plant a new church in Panama, Kike accepted. The church would be called Central Church Panama.

Kike left his family in El Salvador and embarked on a new journey to an unknown land to accept God's call. 

Kike said, “I had only been in Panama for a few months. We were very excited about the opening of Central Church Panama! But suddenly the pandemic came, and all our plans fell apart!

“The pandemic was a difficult test. Due to COVID-19, many friends and people interested in our new church died. Pastor José’s own brother died; I watched Pastor José suffer and cry over his brother’s death. Those were times of great sadness and pain. 

“I wondered if it was God's will for me to be in Panama. Our team held meetings by Zoom, and Pastor José encouraged us to believe that better days would come. We prayed a lot. He told me, ‘You will lead many young people to Jesus Christ, and God will use you here in Panama.’ I reaffirmed my faith and believed what Pastor José told me.”

Kike playing guitarToday, Central Church Panama is active and impacting the kingdom of God in Panama! Kike has found many ways to use his gifting and passions. He is the main youth leader; serves on the worship team; helps with church logistics; manages the church’s social media; and helps stream live church services. In his spare time, he competes in Rubik’s Cube competitions and often wins! The church is very proud of him!

Pastor José said, “Kike understands that preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and planting churches is a top priority. Jesus Christ transforms lives through the church! God is using him to bring the gospel to many in Panama.”

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Kike and church members
Kike (on left) with Pastor José, as well as other members of Central Church Panama