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Learning to Serve Others

Reopening schools in Honduras after the pandemic shut-down was no easy feat. The Ministry of Education ordered schools to reopen in February; but, most were not ready because hurricanes in late 2020 had caused damage, and repairs were slow to be done. Thankfully, Lifeline’s 2 private schools in Honduras are open, but the staff at our schools are acutely aware that the public school system is suffering. 

Evidence of the 2020 hurricanes can still be seen in public schools, even now, over a year later. The hurricanes damaged teaching materials, classrooms and school facilities, drinking fountains, restrooms, and desks. 

One public school that was badly damaged by the storms is a school called Gabriela Mistral School. It was founded 77 years ago in La Lima, Honduras, and has an enrollment of about 960 students. During the 2020 hurricanes Eta and Iota, the school served as a storm shelter, even while the school facilities were being pounded by the hurricanes.

students picking up trashPastor Jose Luis Hernandez (pastor of the nearby Lifeline church in La Lima) saw this as an opportunity to teach our high school students about serving, helping others, and selflessness. In April 2022, a group of our 11th and 12th graders at Ocotillo Christian School, their teachers and parents, put their heads together and came up with a plan to serve Gabriela Mistral School. 

The parents pooled some money to purchase paint and cleaning supplies. The students and their teachers then went to Gabriela Mistral School, and together, they helped clean classrooms, painted walls, scrubbed floors, washed desks, and more! The teachers at Gabriela Mistral School were so grateful for the help. The student group is already talking about providing additional services to this school in the future. 

One of our teachers, Diana, coordinated the service project. Diana said, “We have been called by God to serve. From the very start, our students were attentive, positive, and eager to help. I never had to remind them what we were supposed to do there. They organized themselves well and did a very good job!”

Pastor José Luis said, “Our church believes in the power of social service projects to open doors for the church to be known, to introduce the gospel, and to make connections with local leaders.”

Education is about so much more than what is learned in textbooks! Lifeline students are learning biblical values and are being given opportunities to put their faith into action!

collage of service project photos
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