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Leydy: Defying the Odds

In Honduras, graduating from high school is a major achievement. Only 2 out of 10 students graduate from high school, and only 1 in 10 enter university due to lack of financial resources.

Higher education brings change to families and communities. It means opportunities and possibilities.

Ocotillo Christian School provides quality and affordable education in a safe environment for students to dream and have hope.

Fifteen students completed high school this year! And Leydy is one of them!

Leydy was able to finish high school because of generous Elevate Kids partners!

Leydy shares:

I just finished my senior year at Ocotillo Christian School. I am so happy and grateful!

I have many great memories from school. Some of my favorites include school celebrations for special days such as Love and Friendship Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day, Children's Day, Independence Day and Christmas. 

I worked hard to finish high school for a couple of reasons. One reason is that I want to have a job that will allow me to help my parents financially. I want them to be proud of me.

Another reason was to set an example for girls. I want girls who know me to believe that they too can finish high school, just like I did.

Along the way, three special teachers left a mark in my life: Mrs. Norma, who taught me to never give up; Ms. Angeles (my first teacher!), who taught me to be determined and focused on my future; and Ms. Johana. They all impacted me so much.

I hope to get a university degree in systems engineering. To pay for it, I hope to start my own small business.

I trust God will be with me and will help me with my dreams. I thank Him for all the things that He helped me accomplish already.

I want to thank everyone who supports my school. You are a blessing in my life and in the life of all the students in Ocotillo Christian School. 

When you partner with Lifeline, you make a difference in the lives of students like Leydy. You help make an affordable, quality Christian education possible for them... and spark new opportunities for them that they would not otherwise have. 

Become a monthly Elevate Kids partner today!