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Little Yolanda and Her Proud Mother

When you invest in a child's education, you open the doors to a lifelong desire to learn and to opportunities that can impact their life, their family, and even their community. 

Yolanda, with her mother Danie, are excited about Yolanda's education at the local Lifeline school.

In Lifeline schools, education is not just about book smarts. The whole child matters! Teachers also care about their students' emotional and relational well-being. To Yolanda in Haiti, this made all the difference!

Yolanda is just one of over 2,000 Lifeline students who are thriving in Lifeline classrooms in Latin America and Haiti.

When Yolanda first enrolled as a new first grade Lifeline student, she was not so sure she would like school.

“At first, Yolanda didn’t like going to school. She told me that she wanted to stay home,” recalled her mother Danie. 

Wanting her daughter to get over this hump, Danie approached the school staff. She said, “They told me that this behavior was normal for a new student. They promised to do their best to make my daughter feel comfortable.”

The school staff did exactly that! “To my surprise, what they did for her worked well! Now, Yolanda loves going to school! She wants to do her homework on her own. She is very smart and loves learning new things,” Danie said.

Yolanda’s learning took off! Why? Because she knows she is safe, accepted, loved, and valued in the school. And that helps her to soak in what she is learning.

“I am so proud of her!” her mother said. “At other schools, children her age struggle with reading and writing; but for Yolanda, it is very different! When she goes to school, she is happy and even joyful! I am so grateful to her teacher and the staff for their patience and for implanting in her a desire to learn.”

Children like Yolanda have the opportunity to attend a Lifeline school because of people like you who support their education. Join Elevate Kids today to help more children like Yolanda!