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Love Does

Hunger is real... in our own backyards, in most of the communities where Lifeline works, and all around the world. 
Love Does
Love Does has partnered with Lifeline to send containers of Lifeline meals to Somalia, where the need for meals is great. Dae Eriksson, Executive Director of Love Does, recently told us:

We're so grateful for all your hard work and generosity for these containers of food for Somalia! With these two containers (574,000 servings) plus the the previous one, that's 861,000 total meal servings! Pretty awesome!

It's been great timing for distributions. Because of Ramadan, things have been busy and crowded, and there have been more displaced people in the area; there is a fear of another famine. We are blessed to have resources to be able to respond. Some of the food has been distributed in Mogadishu, and we are trying to get some to the outskirts too.
Love Does meals
Will you consider how YOU can get meals to people who desperately need them? The need is urgent. The time to act is now. Mobilize your group to help pack meals. Every meal counts and helps sustain a life.

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