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Serve others right where you
are in 4 simple steps:

Mix. Weigh. Seal. Ship!
Package shelf stable, nutritious meals that are shipped to children and families who struggle with hunger and malnutrition.

Struggling to find a service project
for all ages & abilities?

God calls all of us to serve, regardless of our age or ability. Yet it’s hard to find a flexible service project that brings all ages and abilities together. You’re not alone in that struggle! We understand your frustration and we’re here to help.

What is a meal pack?

We care about bringing
groups and families
together to serve God. 
And we can help you
live out your faith.

  • All ages and abilities can work together... from grandmas to grandkids and everyone in between!
  • Customized events are hosted at your site or ours
  • Events range in size from a few boxes to 1+ million meals
  • Experienced staff and volunteers ensures your event goes smoothly
  • Meals are distributed to global ministry partners or even your church’s missionary/mission project
  • Groups of all sizes can pack meals together
  • Events are held throughout the U.S. and Canada

"Outrageously good for our church and community." -Al Dangelo, Ohio

3 ways to make a difference:
  • Donate meals - Your donation provides meals for families!
Because it's more than a meal...'s a tangible way to share Jesus' love!