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Mobile Clinics Reach Earthquake Victims

Written by Raynald Metilus, Haiti Together Manager

Mobile ClinicThe August 14th 7.2 earthquake in southern Haiti caused great devastation. Thousands suffered physical injuries and were unable to easily find medical care. Many were in dire need after the earthquake.

Lifeline's staff decided to organize a mobile medical clinic to help our people. Our other goal was to share the word of God with them.

First we went to an area near L'Asile, where Lifeline has a church and school. We were the first organization to bring help to this community after the earthquake.

There, we met Mauret, age 70, whose leg was injured. The nearest healthcare center was on the other side of a river and required payment upfront for treatment. Not having money and being unable to cross the river, Mauret decided to try to treat his injury himself by using hot rice to heal his wound. An infection set in! He was grateful that we were able to treat his infection and take care of him.

We also took our mobile clinic to Camp-Perrin and Guichard, both near the epicenter. Five patients came to our mobile clinic needing immediate hospitalization, which our doctors quickly arranged at a free health center. They praised God for allowing Lifeline to come to help them.

In total, our medical staff cared for over 500 people over the course of 4 days, and among them, 2 people received Christ! The days were difficult and tiring, but the Lord protected us and gave us the strength to do this work in His name.

We thank our partners for providing the means for us to hold these mobile clinics. May God bless you for your generosity.

Please continue to pray for Haiti and for the will of God to be done.

Mobile Clinic
Read about the Haitian staff's 3-phase relief and recovery plan and watch a video about the earthquake here.