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Operation Change!

As told by Etzer, Lifeline school director in Haiti

My name is Etzer, and I am a Lifeline school director. I am honored to share with you a little about my life.

I was born in September 1967 in western Haiti. My parents worked hard every day. My father was a lieutenant in the former armed forces of Haiti. My mother was a seamstress. Every morning starting at 5:00, she was at her pedal-powered (non-electric) sewing machine, pedaling at it until evening. She loved sewing and used it as a way to help support our large family. I have 9 siblings and half-siblings! 

I had a good and relatively quiet childhood. I was shy and reserved. Like many children, I liked to play hopscotch and play at school. I also liked to pretend that I was a teacher.

But most of all, I liked to listen to adults tell tales and legends every evening.
Storytelling is a much-loved tradition in Haiti. I especially loved tales such as Fish in Love and The Magic Orange Tree. These tales and legends helped my imagination to develop and also helped me to understand the real world. I have always enjoyed reading those tales and many others, too. 

When I was a teenager, one day while I was at home, I heard a group of people singing and preaching. They were in the street and passed by my house near my window. I could hear them well, so I listened closely. It was through one of their songs that I felt led to learn about Christ and God. 

At age 17, I accepted Christ, and at age 18, I was baptized. That was the best choice I have ever made. It put me on the path to success because God opened many doors for me! My pastor became my mentor, helped me grow in my faith, and learn to follow God's will.

After graduating from high school, I continued my studies. Always wanting to be a teacher, I went to a vocational school to study education, and eventually also got my masters in education at Jean Price Mars University in Port-au-Prince. I also attended seminary.

As a young man, I was an active member of Lifeline’s Christian church in my hometown. I participated in the youth group, helped with church conferences, and served on the church board council. I did my best to set a good example for people around me, especially the youth in the church. 

In 1990, Lifeline hired me as a teacher at their school, which is next to the church. I was promoted to school director in 1993, a position I have held for about 30 years now!

As school director, I have learned that self-centeredness has no place in school.
The director needs everyone! Without others, we cannot do much. In our school, we all work together for the good of our students, and this has led our school on the path to success. 

When I think about our students and their futures, I reflect on Ezekiel 1:1-3. This passage shows us how God opened the heavens over Ezekiel and brought about powerful changes to his life. 

God can bring powerful changes to anyone’s life if they see the heavens open over them. So, in school, I talk to the students about "Operation Change!" It's an expression they have come to understand.

You see, the majority of our students come from very poor homes. They see only limited possibilities for their futures. Too many youth stagnate as they get older and don't progress in life. In reality, though, there are more possibilities than they can see. Impossibility does not exist for God. 

"Operation Change!" is what I tell students to motivate them to look at what possibilities God is opening up for them and to generate solutions for their futures. I want students at our school to know that in the Scriptures, they can discover themselves and their purpose. We must intentionally help them see more than their limited view in order for them to succeed.

My prayer request is that our students focus and work hard to be well-educated. I pray that our school will continue to shine in our community and point people to God.

On a personal note, I am married to my beautiful wife Wanise. She is such a blessing in my life. We have two children, a boy and a girl. We give thanks to God for all he has done in our lives. In my spare time, I like reading books (especially the Bible) and spending time with my family doing fun activities.

Like Etzer, we believe that by pouring into youth through education, they will be empowered to lead and invest in their families and communities in their adult years. Help set up more kids to thrive by joining Elevate Kids!