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Strength in a Time of Need

Written by Diana Aguilar, middle school coordinator

2022 has not been an easy year for Daniel.

He is a 7th grader at Ocotillo Christian School in Honduras. He dreams of being a business manager. In his spare time, he enjoys hanging out with his family and watching movies with them. He has a brother (David) and three sisters (Paola, Estefany and Ema). They attend a local church.  

One of his teachers, Karla, describes him as "a calm and very helpful student. He likes to participate in class and is very good at English. He likes to talk with his teachers."

In May 2022, his father Manuel began to lose his vision… and quickly. His father was a baker and sold his bread to support the family. So when his vision started to decline, Daniel jumped in to help him. Unfortunately, Manuel’s vision worsened so much that he could no longer bake at all.

The family quickly began to search for a diagnosis and an answer to the big question as to why, in just a few weeks, had Manuel lost nearly all of his sight? 

Daniel recalled, "From the beginning, we put my father's life and sight in God's hands."

At first, the doctors suspected that Manuel had developed glaucoma; however, they could not explain why his vision was deteriorating so rapidly.

"We and other relatives began to pray for my father's life," said Daniel.

After countless medical tests, Manuel finally had a diagnosis: a tumor in his head. He urgently needed an operation. 

He was admitted to the public hospital in nearby San Pedro Sula, and after a few weeks of being hospitalized, doctors finally performed the surgery. Daniel said that the surgery went well. Manuel hasn't recovered his sight completely yet, as he is still in recovery; but, he is home surrounded by those who love him.

For Daniel, staying focused on school during that time was not easy. But, he thanks God for His help and strength in the midst of this difficulty.

"I thank the people who gave me words of encouragement when I was sad: my teachers Otoniel Paz and Diana Aguilar; Principal Reyes; and all those who continue to support us from the school and church," he said.

Daniel has a special prayer request: "Please, continue to pray for the life of my father and that of my entire family. Thank you!"

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Daniel's teachers helped him during the difficult months. Left to right: Diana (middle school coordinator), Daniel, Karla (English teacher), Otoniel (art and music teacher)

Daniel (3rd from left) with his friends at school