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Students Becoming Servant Leaders

Loving and serving others unconditionally is one of Jesus’ most important teachings. That is why one of the pillars of our program at Rey Sabio Salomón school in Quito, Ecuador, is servant leadership. We want our students to model Jesus wherever He puts them. Impressing this quality on teenagers sometimes requires creative thinking! 

To practice being servant leaders, our oldest students visited a school for children with pediatric cancer, located in the mountains near Quito. This school is a supportive and peaceful place for their students and a caring place for them to get the help that they need. One of its unique features is that it has an agriculture program, with gardens, farming instruction, and opportunities for the students to learn from the land.
Servant Leaders 1

Our students were excited to be together and were also eager to be with the children at this unique school. Even though those goals were good, our students ended up learning that many times, serving means rolling up your sleeves and grabbing a broom!

Our students worked all morning cleaning the grounds and the gardens. Initially, they were upset at the intensity of the manual labor. But, little by little, they began to understand that the work was essential: a clean environment helped the little ones who study there. Our students learned that being a leader means not always being at the forefront. At the end of the day, they excitedly talked about their experiences and gave thanks in their prayers for the opportunity to help the children.

Servant Leaders 2

Thank you for supporting our Christian schools and making possible outings such as this one! Children's values and their understanding of biblical teaching are being impacted!