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The Joy of New Birth

Written by Deybee Berrios, Guatemala Country Director

In Guatemala, San José Pinula Christian Church is celebrating the baptisms of three young people who gave their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ! 

Allison Julissa came to our church a few years ago. We call her "Yuly." After coming to church with a friend, she enjoyed it so much that she then brought her two sisters. "Yuly" is young and quiet, yet she is very focused on her church involvement.

Mycol first came to church with his mother and brother. When he was young, his mother Brenda was baptized; a few years ago, his father was baptized too. It was always Brenda’s hope that one day her son would give his life to Jesus. That day finally came when Mycol (age 15) told his mother, "I am ready to do it!" Brenda’s heart was filled with joy seeing her son be born again!

Hugo grew up in a Christian home. After some difficult experiences in other churches, Hugo stopped attending. His mother did not lose hope. Over time, she convinced him to try San José Pinula Christian Church. His experience was positive; he decided to not only attend regularly and seek fellowship, but he also decided to be baptized and start a new life in Christ! Today he is happy and has a renewed commitment to follow Christ. He and his mother never miss a Sunday service and are praying for more family members to seek and find God.

These three young people, our new brothers and sister, will participate in a 3-month discipleship program, going through 18 lessons about the abundant life we have in Christ.

When the gospel reaches a home, it does not matter if it is for a child or an adult. God uses whoever He wants to win a family, a community, and even a nation. May we all live by faith and not by sight!

Click HERE to find out more about Lifeline's ministry in Guatemala and how YOU can get involved!