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Welcoming Students to Church!

Recently, Tela Christian Church (in Honduras) became a school classroom! 

When the local public school needed to close the school for three months for renovations, the church saw an opportunity to help.

So the church members offered the church building as a temporary classroom. They moved in the school desks and welcomed students and teachers so that learning could continue!

To take their service a step further, church members helped with the school’s renovations: ceiling and window repairs, tile work, and painting.

Tela Christian Church’s goal is to transform the community through the good news of Jesus. It is also in Lifeline’s BeFriend program, which empowers the local church to bring change in their community. 

“It is a great blessing to help the school,” said Wendy, a church member. “As a church, we are called to serve.”

The church formed a connection with the students and the community. Because of their connection, students learned about the hope of God. 

Ms. Claudia, a teacher, shared, “I'm thankful to God for the support from the pastor, parents, and church members. They all collaborated in the remodeling of the school.” 

The school renovations are completed, and the students are back in the school building. But the school’s relationship with the church will provide unique opportunities. 

And the church will continue to explore ways to display the good news of Jesus within their community.

Pastor Adolfo asked for prayer for: 

  • his family

  • the church’s ministry

  • the 2024 projects

  • for spiritual growth

  • unity among the church