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Virtual Mission Trips

Experience missions from the comfort of your living room!

You’re invited to embark on a unique adventure: a virtual mission trip! You’ll experience the sights and sounds of the field through videos created by our staff on the ground, daily devotions, optional Zoom calls, and cultural insights from the locals. You can spend as much or as little time on this experience as you'd like.

Select a destination to begin your journey:

These virtual mission trip experiences are only $29 per person!
We want as many people as possible to virtually visit Lifeline ministries and see the impact.

*Donations go to sustain ministry on the ground.

There are also opportunities to have your church group go on a virtual mission trip together. To get your group connected and discuss dates that work for your group, contact Keith at

Already been on a Lifeline mission trip? 
Then this is your opportunity to reconnect with the ministry and your friends all over the world! You’ll also discover insights that you wouldn’t experience on a typical mission trip!