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Virtual Mission Trip - Panama

Experience Panama…from the comfort of your living room!

You’re invited to embark on a unique adventure: a virtual mission trip to Panama! You’ll experience the sights and sounds of Panama through videos created by our Panamanian staff, daily devotions, optional Zoom calls, and cultural insights from the locals. You can spend as much or as little time on this experience as you'd like.

On this journey you’ll connect with many of our Lifeline staff in Panama. They are excited to invite you into their community and ministry they serve with! You’ll get behind-the-scenes glimpses. As an added bonus, you’ll also connect with your fellow travelers from around the world!

This new virtual mission trip experience is only $29 per person!

*Donations go to sustain ministry in Panama. 

Upcoming dates:
Check back for future dates

There are also opportunities to have your church group go on a virtual mission trip together. To get your group connected and discuss dates that work for your group, contact Keith at

Already been on a trip to Panama? 
Then this is your opportunity to reconnect with the ministry and your friends in Panama! You’ll also discover insights that you wouldn’t experience on a typical mission trip to Panama!

Ready to embark on your journey? 

It begins with 3 simple steps:

1) Save your place on the team and register for your trip.
2) Donate your trip contribution of $29 per person.
3) Watch your inbox for important pre-trip information! 

Join this new adventure to Panama today! 

It’s an experience that will open your eyes to life in Panama, while drawing you closer to Christ!