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See how God is moving in and through Lifeline's ministries around the world...
The Power of Love
The Power of Love
July 8, 2021
Lorenzo was struggling in school until he came to Red Sands Christian School. Find out about how the school community came alongside him to help him succeed. Learn More
"I Want To Be a Pastor... and a Veterinarian!"
July 8, 2021
Little Christian has big dreams, even at the tender age of three! God can make dreams come true... and his pastor is already praying for Christian's future. Learn More
"Teacher, seriously. Jesus is real!"
July 1, 2021
Samanta is a changed person. Find out how Jesus' love transformed her rebellious heart! Learn More
Students Becoming Servant Leaders
Students Becoming Servant Leaders
July 1, 2021
In Ecuador, our students rolled up their sleeves and learned what it means to be servant leaders! Learn More
Meet Wislaine and her son Eliwed!
Meet Wislaine and her son Eliwed!
May 19, 2021
Eliwed is a ten year old third grader at Lifeline Christian Mission’s school in Deuxième-Plaine, Haiti. His mother, Wislaine, writes about the impact that God has had through Lifeline in the lives of her and her son.  Learn More