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See how God is moving in and through Lifeline's ministries around the world...
In the heart of Tegucigalpa
In the heart of Tegucigalpa
September 10, 2023
What is the importance of bilingual education for students in Tegucigalpa? For students with big dreams, our school opens the door to many opportunities after graduation! Learn More
You Can Only Imagine!
You Can Only Imagine!
September 5, 2023
In October 2023, you can make an immeasurable difference in the lives of Somalis, who face drought, famine and war. Learn More
The Freshness of God in Missions
The Freshness of God in Missions
August 24, 2023
Seasoned mission trip leaders took a smaller team on a recent trip to Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and were encouraged by the fresh new approach to mission trips. You'll enjoy their reflections on the trip. Learn More
When God Shows Up
When God Shows Up
August 24, 2023
Find out what happened when 50 leaders from 5 countries gathered in Honduras to plan and dream for future ministry work. Learn More
In the Middle of the World
In the Middle of the World
August 23, 2023
Find out about new ministry in the works in Ecuador, as told and seen by Darwyn Sanchez. Learn More
A Lifeline Mission Trip: More Than a Destination
A Lifeline Mission Trip: More Than a Destination
August 22, 2023
A Lifeline mission trip is more than a destination or stamp in your passport. It is an opportunity to serve and experience God moving in another language, culture and place! Learn More
Reaching the Indigenous People of Panama
Reaching the Indigenous People of Panama
August 10, 2023
High in the Indigenous area of Panama, Caciano and Edixa use Lifeline meals as a way to open doors to the Gospel. Learn More
More Joy!
More Joy!
August 4, 2023
Centre Partners keep our Centres' doors open so that more people can be helped around the world. Find out what they have to say! Learn More
A Heart For His People
A Heart For His People
August 1, 2023
Every month, Pastor Antonio Elvir drives a truckload of Lifeline meals to a small farming community in southern Honduras. Find out the impact of these monthly visits! Learn More
Salvation in Tajikistan
Salvation in Tajikistan
July 27, 2023
An Afghan woman shares her emotional story, including how Lifeline meals provided the path to her physical and spiritual salvation. Learn More